Merchant Navy Equally A Career

Merchant navy every bit a career is non solely challenging, adventurous exactly likewise offers handsome salary packages. Merchant navy ships are either operated past times populace or mortal transportation companies. Government of Bharat through ministry building of Surface Transport is responsible for providing preparation to the candidates. Merchant navy fleet consists of cargo carriers, rider liners as well as stone oil tankers. Mostly the services inwards merchant navy revolve around 3 departments i.e. deck, the engine room as well as the service department.

If 1 wishes to bring together merchant navy he tin enroll himself inwards iv years BE inwards marine engineering or 3 years B.S.C Nautical Science course. The admission to BE bird is through entrance bear witness conducted past times IIT-JEE. as well as 3 years B.S.C Nautical Science bird is conducted past times Government maritime preparation send Chanakya past times University of Mumbai. Apart from that in that place are other routes likewise to locomote inwards merchant navy.

A merchant navy officeholder afterwards clearing sure enough exam or certificate of Competency is promoted to higher level. The exam is conducted past times Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) inwards Bombay as well as solely afterwards he clears the bear witness he acquires sure enough competency certificate. The commencement bird of competency certificate is Second Mate which cadet officeholder takes afterwards completing 1 yr on the deck department. After clearing minute mate the officeholder tin endure appointed every bit 2d officeholder or tertiary officeholder as well as for farther advertisement he has to clear First Mate exam which is conducted afterwards he acquires commencement mate competency as well as has serviced eighteen months on the ship. The highest designation is caption or Master of send which tin endure obtained afterwards clearing sure enough exams as well as servicing sure enough stream of fourth dimension on board.

Other Courses:

Aeranautical, Aerospace &Aircraft Maintenance
Agriculture & Forestry
ComputerS & IT


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