Career Inward It - Personality Traits & Salary

Personality Traits classification:

General personality traits

  • Systematic, logical together with methodical
  • Good occupation solvers
  • Patience together with determination
  • Excellent Mathematical skills
  • Creative, imaginative together with resourceful
  • High intellectual ability
  • Good administration skills
  • Good technical knowledge
  • Articulate together with mightiness to grasp issues
  • Leadership skills
  • Team-worker

Personality traits - Systems Analysts

  • General traits together with an agreement of draw of piece of work organization methods
  • Knowledge of availability of software together with hardware
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Team worker
  • Project administration skills
  • Analytical mind
  • Attention to Detail

Personality traits - Application Programmers

  • General traits and
  • Meticulous together with clear minded
  • Effective communicators
  • Deadline oriented


  • Starting salaries afterward UG marker are approx. Rs. 1.5 -2 lac per annum together with afterward a PG (Masters Program) – Approx. Rs. 2.5 -3.5 lac
  • At senior levels salaries inward Bharat attain from approx. Rs.60 – lxx lac notwithstanding if employed abroad salaries tin hold upwards rattling high at senior levels.

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