Usa - Postal Service Graduate Application Process

Application forms for post graduate application procedure tin sack live on obtained by:

  • Requesting Application Forms via email
  • Requesting Application Forms via Air Mail
  • Downloading from the academy website

Tests required to live on taken:

  • TOEFL: Test of English linguistic communication every bit a unusual language. The TOEFL is the best-known examination that measures candidates English linguistic communication language proficiency from 3 aspects: reading, listening as well as writing.
  • TSE: this attempt out is mostly for candidates applying for teaching assistantship.
  • GMAT: for Graduate Courses inward Management
  • GRE: for graduate fields other than management
  • LSAT: for admission into police trace schools
  • USMLE: for admission into medical schools.


Most schools necessitate qualifications comparable to a U.S. Bachelor’s (Honours) aeroplane (Four Year Degree Program) i.e. a minimum of sixteen years of formal education.

In the Indian context, it implies qualifying inward a professional person four-year aeroplane similar technology scientific discipline or other such courses. In other cases it is hence advisable to utilise for a Post Graduate aeroplane inward India. H5N1 one-year academy affiliated computer programme volition brand upward for the 4th twelvemonth of a U.S. undergraduate degree

For Doctorate programs, nearly universities necessitate a Master’s aeroplane inward that subject. In a few special cases similar a proficient undergraduate technology scientific discipline degree, they may offering a straight admission to a Doctorate course.

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Related Links:
USA Education System
USA - Entry Requirements & Standardized Tests
USA - Cost & Financial Aid Visa
USA - Degree & Courses
USA - The Application Process
USA - Living inward the country
USA - Residency for unusual medical graduates


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