Converting Women’S Colleges Into Co-Ed

After centuries of ignorance, women are straightaway getting their portion inwards all sectors, peculiarly education. There are, inwards fact, numerous only-women colleges all to a greater extent than or less the province to encourage together with promote learning amid females.

With the launch of women’s professional person colleges barely a yr ago, the institutes are already expressing a wishing to plough them co-educational. This has given nativity to questions like- were managements taking wages of authorities incentives past times opening all women colleges or are women actually non interested inwards technology together with business. AICTE (All Republic of Republic of India Council for Technical Education), the umbrella regulatory trunk for professional person technical colleges inwards Republic of Republic of India had relaxed diverse norms to promote women education. And, together with thence the applications from institutes to plough co-ed stimulate got been turned downwards past times the AICTE.

Not allowing women’s colleges to acquire co-educational, AICTE commission has asked them to submit an labor proverb that they volition never utilize for the same. According to them, the credence of conversion would hateful defeating the really run of the system together with the relaxed norms. Moreover, it volition non live on ethically well for you lot to outset the constitute every bit all women together with convert it after into co-educational.

But, the management of the institutes emphasized that seats could non live on filled amongst solely women every bit in that place are non many applicants. They added that nearly of the girls preferred co-educational colleges over all girls together with so, they should live on given permission for conversion. It is interesting to Federal Reserve annotation that some of the colleges nether the system stimulate got already been converted but the novel acting Chairman of AICTE, S.S. Mantha said he would non let it anymore discontinuing the conversion scheme.

AICTE’s stand upward on non-conversion of women institutions to co-educational is a welcome move. It shows the dedication together with seriousness involved inwards promoting pedagogy for women across the country.


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