The College Application Experience

Hi guys! My hollo is Annie Gassner together with I’m from Naperville, Illinois studying Construction Engineering together with Management amongst a fry inward Environmental together with Ecological Engineering. Applying for colleges is an exciting together with sometimes overwhelming time. I’m promise that sharing my experience amongst y'all together with giving some tips may help.

What the college application procedure was similar for you?
The college application procedure is similar online dating. You’ll brand a listing of features that y'all expect for inward a potential school: high ranking academics, campus involvement, location, etc. At the same time, y'all volition create a profile that highlights your best features. Then y'all start to narrow downward your choices together with create upward one's heed who gets a peril to consider y'all inward person, piece colleges create upward one's heed if your profile would consider their ain listing of features. Maybe you’ll uncovering a schoolhouse that checks all the boxes on your list, simply if you’re similar me, I didn’t receive got a “love at showtime sight” experience when searching for a schoolhouse to attend. I applied to twelve dissimilar universities together with visited vi of them earlier choosing Purdue. On top of that, I visited Purdue iii times earlier deciding it was the correct choice! Applying for college tin last similar swimming against the tide inward murky waters together with trying to last Rainbow Fish out of the “plenty of fish inward the sea” tin last difficult, simply presently you’ll uncovering the correct schoolhouse together with swim out of the electrical current upward to the surface of your brilliant future!

Why did y'all pick Purdue?
Besides academics, the top criteria for my college search was a house I could consider myself feeling at domicile together with a house where I could brand a divergence inward the world. At my 3rd catch to Purdue, I sat inward an auditorium of virtually 400 high schoolhouse students together with their parents. The Director of the Office of Future Engineers, David Bowker, enthusiastically greeted everyone on the phase inward the front end together with at this point, the May 1st college determination deadline was entirely iii weeks downward the route together with I was virtually 50 percentage certain Purdue would last my domicile for the side yesteryear side 4 years. David was speaking virtually what it’s similar to last a pupil at Purdue together with relating topics to pop songs. At 1 signal he played a vocal that I volition forever associate amongst Purdue: Safe together with Sound by Capital Cities. By the destination of that visit, I was assault coming to Purdue, non entirely because I knew I could experience “safe together with sound”, simply because I could consider myself growing together with learning amongst the people roughly me. All of the friendly people who were excited virtually their studies together with the organizations they were a job of made me certain I could uncovering a domicile on Purdue’s campus.

Why was Purdue a skilful choice?
From my showtime hateful solar daytime on campus, I felt accepted together with proud to last a Boilermaker! Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) is our novel pupil orientation on campus. During this week, novel students are set inward groups led yesteryear electrical current students together with go fully immersed inward everything Purdue. Diversity together with inclusion are the most of import values at Purdue together with this stood out to me during my calendar week of orientation. As a woman mortal going into engineering, I was nervous virtually beingness a minority inward a male-dominated champaign of study. Thanks to BGR, the Women inward Engineering Living together with Learning Community, together with everyone I met, yesteryear the destination of the week, I was starting my showtime calendar week of schoolhouse amongst novel friends together with a newfound confidence that I could succeed at Purdue. The countless opportunities at Purdue are what reassure me that I made the correct decision. For example, thank y'all to connections amongst Purdue together with the Construction Engineering together with Management program, I receive got had ii consecutive summertime internships amongst Bechtel Corporation: 1 inward Houston, TX together with the other inward Washington state. I receive got also been to 5 dissimilar countries: Nicaragua, Ecuador, the United Kingdom, Germany, together with French Republic thank y'all to Purdue programs! I honey to move together with Purdue continues to assist my foster this passion along amongst my other growing interests. Choosing Purdue was my best determination together with I can’t consider myself anywhere else.

Tips on applying to Purdue:
1.     Apply early! I am a procrastinator equally much equally the side yesteryear side student, simply it’s of import to apply yesteryear the early on application deadline, Nov 1 for Purdue.
2.     Be proud of your accomplishments! Your college application is your chance to percentage how y'all receive got impacted your community together with how hard y'all receive got worked to acquire to where y'all are. Don’t sell yourself brusk inward your essays together with applications; it’s your fourth dimension to shine!
3.     Talk to your schoolhouse counselor virtually your career goals together with assess all your college options. As much equally nosotros honey Purdue together with promise y'all uncovering your domicile here, nosotros empathize that it may non last the best jibe for what you’re looking for inward a university! Think virtually your passions, goals, together with where y'all desire your college career to convey you.
4.     Academics are important, simply then are extra-curricular activities. This applies to what y'all did inward high school, equally good as, what y'all expect for inward a university. Commitment to extra-curricular activities volition brand y'all stand upward out inward your college application. In addition, a huge component of college life is what y'all exercise amongst your gratuitous fourth dimension to convey a interruption from studying together with classes. Look into organizations y'all desire to last involved amongst when researching universities.

Good luck on your college search together with Boiler up!

Annie Gassner


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