Campus Connection: Eion Keating

Name: Eion G Keating

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Hometown: Warrenton, Virginia

Favorite Class: AAE 364 Control Systems Analysis

Campus Involvement: NROTC. The plan at Purdue University has provided me alongside an extremely useful  science ready that has been instrumental to my evolution equally a mortal during my fourth dimension here. It has likewise introduced me to my closest friends together with allowed me to accept on challenges that otherwise would non cause got been available to me.

Best Purdue Memory:  Getting lost on campus my get-go week!

Favorite On-Campus Hang Out Spot: The Co Rec!

Favorite Study Spot: Aerolab

Why yous chose Purdue: My swim autobus recommended that I apply hither together with I was offered a sum ride through the Naval ROTC scholarship program. When I visited campus, I cruel inwards honey alongside the history together with the people. Never looked back.

Did whatsoever of your describe of piece of occupation solid unit of measurement become to Purdue: I am the first!


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