Summer Plans At Ofe

This summer, our pupil staff at OFE is heading to all corners of the country, as well as beyond, on diverse adventures. During the summers, almost students at Purdue get got the fourth dimension off for internships, jobs, summertime classes, identify unit of measurement time, as well as trips. Here is a sneak peek into what the students of OFE are upwards to this summer:

We get got several students graduating as well as heading off to laid about their careers! We are super proud of our
seniors for working as well as thence difficult as well as earning their engineering degrees from Purdue. Marissa, 1 of the graduating seniors, is moving to Phoenix, Arizona to run for Honeywell Aerospace equally a Project Management Specialist for Customer Product Support. Mariah volition go moving to Charleston, South Carolina where she volition laid about her chore equally a metallurgist for Nucor Steel.

Many Purdue engineering students utilisation the summertime for working, co-oping, or interning to larn chore experience, as well as the students of OFE are no exception. Mary volition go moving downwardly to Mobile, Alabama for the summertime equally purpose of her Co-Op. She volition go working equally a procedure engineer at Kimberly Clark Professional, working alongside creating paper, testing products, as well as streamlining processes. Andrew B. volition go inward Phoenix this summertime interning at Orbital ATK working alongside micrometeoroid behave on analysis. Edwin volition go out inward San Francisco working for a startup compact payload launch provider.

However, summertime isn’t only for working or school. Some students get got the fourth dimension to create things they can’t create during the schoolhouse year! Eion volition go traveling across Europe alongside to a greater extent than or less friends for a month. Afterwards he volition go heading dorsum to Purdue to create query alongside a professor as well as run at OFE inward his costless time. Aaron volition too go heading to Charleston this summertime alongside Mariah, puppy preparation as well as taking to a greater extent than or less fourth dimension off. For three weeks he volition go on a submarine cruise for preparation alongside the Navy.

As you lot tin plough over the sack see, at that topographic point is no 1 means to best pass the summer. Our students are bear witness of the incredible opportunities that are available through Purdue (internships, co-ops, jobs at nowadays out of graduation, research). However, the options don’t terminate there. Our students get got taken the first to brand the almost of the fourth dimension they get got during the summer, whether through Purdue or on their own.

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