Career Options - Aias Circa 1993

Below are career options for those that pursue a marker inwards architecture; it is from the AIAS Career Options publication showtime published inwards 1993.  Over the summertime as well as fall, I volition travel helping AIAS to update the listing as well as issue a novel version.  If y'all accept ideas, shipping them to me --


AIAS Career Options (text from 1993)

Art as well as Design
Careers inwards Art as well as Design are appealing because of their potential for creative as well as aesthetic expression.  Although the pattern procedure is learned inwards an architectural education, many of these careers require additional specialized grooming or degrees.  The median salary for to a greater extent than pattern or fine art careers is below the median salary of the practicing architect.

Architectural Careers
Landscape Architect
Interior Designer
Model Maker
Architectural Photographer
Computer Presentation Designer
Architectural Renderer

Design Careers
Urban Art Designer
Furniture Designer
Set Designer
Graphic Designers
Fashion Designer
Industrial Designer
Jewelry Designer
Prop Designer

Related Careers
Museum Curator
Technical Illustrator
Film-Design Development
Creative Director – Advertising
Environmental Artist
Fine Arts Appraiser

Corporate as well as Managerial
These careers are becoming a large piece of work of architectural practice.  Many of the jobs alongside corporations as well as institutions involve facility planning as well as management.  Often, facilities personnel are the link betwixt their organization as well as exterior architectural firms.  The main differences from individual practise is that one’s employ is the entirely cliet, as well as much of the command over major decisions is lost.  The benefits are project security, medical benefits, retirement packages, paid vacation, as well as substantially higher salaries.  Some people recommend getting an MBA for this type of work, only others encounter this every bit entirely marginally helpful.

Facilities Management
Facilities Architect
Physical Plant Manager
University Design Manager
Campus Planning

Project Manager
Construction Manager

Related Corporate Careers
Building Products Technology Development
Cost as well as Construction Analyst
Corporate Consultant
Building Products Industry Officer
Market Researcher
Marketing – Construction
Marketing – Design as well as Communications

Technical as well as Engineering
Technical Occupations
Construction Inspector
Land Surveyor
Building Pathologist
Architectural Programmer
Computer Systems Analyst
Preconstruction Estimator
Construction Software Designer
CAD Coordinator
Fire Protection Designer

Technical Consulting Opportunities
CAD Consultant
Energy Consultant
Environmental Consultant
Airport Consultant
Color Consultant
Sweets Catalog Consultant

Related Engineering Careers
Structural Engineer
Civil Engineer
Marine Architect
Illuminating Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Solar Energy Engineer
Planning Engineer
Design Automation
Specifications Engineer
Design Build Team Manager

Related Professional
Related Professions
Urban Planner
Real Estate Agent
Real Estae Project Manager
Architectural Lawyer
Public Relations
Construction Specifier
Environmental Planner
Building Pathologist
Loan Officer
Property Assessor

Writing Careers
Freelance Writer
Technical Writer
Architecture Theorist
Proposal Writer
Document Design
Publisher – Architecture Journal
Architecture Critic
Magazine as well as Newspaper Editor
Writer / Producer – TV as well as Film

Architectural Education
Architectural Historian
Educator – Architecture inwards the Classroom
Librarian – Special Collections
College or University Dean

Related Careers
Furniture as well as Material Inventor as well as Fabricator
Architectural Inventor
Construction Company Founder
CEO – Corporate
Product Inventor
Sale Manager

Architectural Products as well as Services
Computer Presentations
Building Products
Graphic Supplies
Solar Technology
Office Systems
Environmental Products
Prefabricated Housing

Traditional Practice
Project Architect
Staff Architect


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