Architecture Schools Inward Canada

I am a recent Bachelor's inwards Mechanical Engineering graduate, in addition to am vigorously pursing a career inwards architecture, in addition to inwards detail a M.Arch.  I am a Canadian, in addition to convey read your book, Becoming an Architect. I convey a few inquires about architecture that I was hoping to larn your answer to.

1. Your majority mentions to assess the importance of the reputation of the school.  I mean value that it depends on the employers, in addition to thus my interrogation is, from your experience, how of import is the reputation of the schoolhouse to an architectural firm?  For example, the University of Toronto in addition to University of British Columbia M.Arch programs are the most competitive inwards Canada. Do architectural firms rank to a greater extent than attending to students from competitive schools moreso than others (such every bit the University of Calgary's which is less competitive) ?

2. Does the CACB likewise bear annual Architecture Program Reports that are accessible to the public?

3. Do you lot convey a practiced resources for the labor need for architects inwards Canada?  Through, I was able to link upwards alongside many sites pointing to American firms, in addition to I encounter a need for Building Integration Modelers, Health Care Facilities designers, in addition to Project managers.  I can't appear to discovery a practiced resources for Canada.

4. Do you lot know if in that place is a resource/program for students to connect alongside architectural firms (preferably Canadian) to enquire career questions & labor shadow? 

I expect forwards to hearing from you!
First, congratulations on your wish to pursue architecture.  Also, I appreciate your reading my book.

1. To really gain the insight on this question, I would propose you lot contact some firms; alongside that said, I would set down that some firms may usage the establishment from which you lot graduate every bit an of import criteria at the fourth dimension of graduation, simply subsequently a few years, most volition attention to a greater extent than nearly what you lot tin produce every bit evidenced from your portfolio.

2. I produce non know for sure, simply I would imagine that the architecture programs inwards Canada are required to submit materials parallel to the APR every bit purpose of the accreditation process.  To know for sure, you lot should contact CACB.

3. I am non certain of the best resources, simply did discovery the following:

4. Unfortunately, I am non fully aware of resources simply propose you lot contact the following:

The RAIC does convey a fellow member directory that mightiness travel helpful inwards contacting architects.  I convey institute that most architects are willing to help.

Dr. Architecture


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