Civil Technology Scientific Discipline To Architecture

Prof Civil Eng for 6years...wanting to switch it up.

If I desire to function to Arch school, Do I....

a) apply every bit a ''mature student"? if that genuinely exists
b) apply amongst my pitiful undergrad marks
c) forget it because its also long a road.

I volition allow you lot hit upwards one's hear which of the paths you lot wishing to pursue based on my replies, only I tin percentage that you lot choices H5N1 as well as B are sure enough possible.

Given that you lot receive got an undergraduate degree, you lot are eligible to apply for the Master of Architecture (3-4) years.    Over fifty institutions offering such a degree; it was designed for individuals similar you lot that receive got a flat inwards to a greater extent than or less other discipline.  Research architecture programs via or

From my most xx years of sense inwards 3 unlike architecture programs, I receive got known enough of students who were "mature students" larn inwards to pursue the Master of Architecture.  My favorite was an private amongst a Ph.D. inwards Mechanical Engineering flat inwards his early on 50s that pursued the degree.  Becoming an architect is sure enough a long route -- 3-4 years for Master of Architecture, 3-5 years to consummate IDP, as well as 1-3 years to consummate the ARE, however, you lot receive got enough of years to soundless exercise architecture.  Remember Philip Johnson did non larn an architect until 39 years of historic menses as well as continued to exercise into his 90s when he died.

If your undergraduate functioning was less than 3.00 GPA, you lot may wishing to reckon taking to a greater extent than or less courses inwards architecture every bit a non-degree educatee to demonstrate your academic abilities.  Consider also to accept a class inwards freehand drawing for purposes of your portfolio.

Review other questions/answers from the .blog - or reckon obtaining my book, Becoming an Architect, 2d Edition.

Dr. Architecture


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