Mechanical Engineer

I am a college educatee together with I am emailing you lot because I possess got a query almost the profession of architecture.

So, hither it is: I am currently a mechanical technology scientific discipline student, merely I've kicking the bucket somewhat disenchanted amongst my major. However, I possess got e'er been interested inwards the persuasion of architecture. Are at that spot whatsoever opportunities inwards the plain of architecture where I could set my ME aeroplane to use? In other words, are at that spot ways to brand it architecture "business" without having a aeroplane inwards arch.? I am opened upwards to whatsoever thoughts or ideas, including professions related to architecture.

Given that many firms are EA - Engineering Architecture firms, I would approximate that at that spot may live on opportunities to set you lot ME aeroplane to purpose inside the architecture profession. It may to a greater extent than hard for you, so you lot may wishing to endeavour to possess got architecture courses or a tyke land you lot consummate your ME degree.

For the long term, you lot may wishing to catch pursuing the Master of Architecture (3-4 years) for person amongst a aeroplane other than architecture.  Read an answer from a previous question.

I promise this helps!


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