Mechanical Applied Scientific Discipline To Architecture

I graduated only over ii months agone as well as got my 4-year flat inwards mechanical engineering.  I've wanted to last an architect since my junior year, but my schoolhouse didn't offering an architecture flat then I stuck it out as well as got my engineering degree.  I'm hoping that my BSME volition furnish the math as well as physical scientific discipline background I demand to overstep along to pursue a flat inwards architecture.  Is this true?  Could I bring the pre-reqs to larn my master's inwards ii years?  Or should I pursue a bachelor's inwards architecture?

In add-on to pedagogy questions, I too bring occupation questions.  I may non bring the proper flat to last an architect now, but what close architectural engineering?  Am I qualified to create that, or create I demand architectural experience?

My flat may last inwards engineering, but my truthful passion is for architecture.  My favorite classes were physics, statics as well as dynamics, vibration analysis, as well as computer-aided engineering; anything that had to create alongside structural analysis.  My senior projection was 90% structural analysis, as well as I loved it.  I know I've asked alot of questions, but architecture is my dream task as well as I want to know all I tin as well as what to create to initiatory of all moving towards that dream.

Thank y'all for your time,


First, congratulations on your recent flat as well as want to pursue architecture.

As always, y'all volition demand to banking concern gibe alongside potential graduate programs to decide if y'all bring met required prerequisites.  With that said, y'all volition bring definitely completed calculus or physics requirements but roughly programs require drawing and/or architectural history.

As y'all bring a BSME degree, y'all should definitely pursue the Master of Architecture as well as non the BArch.

Architectural engineering is genuinely civil engineering alongside an emphasis on buildings; every bit to whether y'all are qualified to larn inwards the workplace volition depend on your skills as well as background.

What is most crucial to applying for a MArch is your portfolio.  Do y'all bring whatever creative background?  If not, y'all may wishing to regard taking a art/drawing course of instruction to generate materials for your portfolio over the side past times side twelvemonth spell y'all apply for F14.

Also, every bit y'all look to taste structures, y'all may regard the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign every bit they bring a focus on structures every bit piece of work of their MArch as well as too bring a articulation flat alongside civil engineering.

Best!  Feel complimentary to contact me alongside to a greater extent than questions.

P.S. Consider the mass - Becoming an Architect, 2d ed.


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