Mechanical Engineer To Architect

Dr. Architecture,
I am a licensed P.E. inwards the province of Alabama inwards Mechanical Engineering in addition to bring close twenty years of sense (from machine pattern to to a greater extent than physics based applications). I bring a Masters in addition to Bachelor inwards Mechanical Engineering from Auburn University, but am at i time considering the watch of transitioning to Architecture. I am looking to  a supporting business office inwards an architecture firm. What mightiness the best path be? Are at that topographic point whatever options for distance learning (even a subset of the coursework), that bring accreditation? I am a state of war machine dependent living inwards Ohio, but nosotros volition settle inwards the province of Colorado inside the side past times side year. I realize that the teaching in addition to licensure tin endure province dependent. I appreciate whatever aid y'all mightiness be.

First, congrats on your watch to pursue architecture.

Given your previous education, y'all may pursue the accredited Master of Architecture (3-4 years) at over lx institutions to a greater extent than or less the country.  For the amount list, see -- NAAB - in addition to ARCHSchools -

Unfortunately, at that topographic point are no entirely online bird programs inwards architecture for an private that has a bird inwards some other discipline.  With your moving to Colorado the simply programme inwards the states is University of Colorado - Denver.

Now, given your dependent champaign is mechanical engineering, y'all may endure able to pursue a order inside a AE / EA theater which would permit y'all to contribute (not every bit an architect).

I would laid about the procedure of networking through the professional person association - AIA - American Institute of Architects in addition to contact a few firms for possible positions.



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