Institute Of Industrial Engineers (Iie)

By IIE President Jamie Eckerman
‘What is the Institute of Industrial Engineers?‘ is a query I become a lot. To professionals, I respond it past times proverb nosotros are the Professional Organization for Undergraduate Industrial Engineering students that operate to prepare our members throughout their college career. It sounds pretty nerdy as well as quite honestly, it is. But to colleagues, I respond that query alongside proverb it was the best conclusion I made inwards college. I began inwards this arrangement every bit the Alumni Relations Chair nether the Programs board every bit a first-semester IE Student. I helped excogitation a Homecoming Tailgate for Alumni as well as a Senior Banquet for graduating seniors (both keen networking opportunities). The next semester, I was elected into the Programs Director seat which seat me on IIE’s Executive Board as well as inwards a leadership utilisation every bit a sophomore. I was inwards the Programs Director seat for i yr (I served ii consecutive terms) as well as the next yr I was elected to President where I am currently serving.  I institute that beingness inwards a leadership utilisation this immature was challenging but it was likewise extremely rewarding. 
Being inwards accuse of seniors who were anywhere from 2-4 years older than me tin survive intimidating but this taught me how to interact alongside those older than me. Later it likewise built a network of IE Professionals every bit I was withal inwards school. Also, I tin proudly tell that these leadership roles are the argue I received both of my summertime internships at NextEra Energy as well as Procter & Gamble. These companies as well as and thence many others were extremely interested inwards how I received these positions as well as thence apace inwards my college career. The past times yr every bit President has been the nigh rewarding affair I convey done inwards college. It is amazing how much faculty, alumni, staff, as well as fifty-fifty our colleagues observe women inwards leadership roles. It genuinely has shown me how far women convey come upwards as well as simply how much potential nosotros genuinely convey to brand a departure inwards this world. I highly encourage all engineers to bring together their respective arrangement similar IIE. IIE has changed my entire college experience, given me opportunities never idea possible, as well as developed me into the professional person I am today.  It has changed my college career as well as has potential to alter yours. 


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