Senior Pattern Experience

My cite is Morgan Rhein as well as I am a senior inwards materials engineering hither at Purdue. I am originally from a suburb of Cleveland, OH. Purdue has been my dream schoolhouse since I applied for colleges inwards high school. The basis renowned engineering program, the beautiful campus, the schoolhouse spirit, as well as the endless opportunities drew me in.

Why materials engineering?

Coming inwards every bit a freshman, I was unsure which dependent patch of engineering I wanted to pursue. I did non bring a practiced thought of what I specifically wanted to hit inwards the hereafter for my career. I thought it would hold upward best to rest every bit wide every bit possible thus I could explore dissimilar options as well as rest flexible. Originally, I thought I would become into mechanical engineering, simply I speedily realized the subdivision was huge at Purdue as well as was besides wide for me.  I wanted to bring smaller course of instruction sizes where I could acquire to know my professors as well as the professors could acquire to know me. After beingness introduced to materials engineering inwards the First Year Engineering program, I started exploring what the subdivision has to offer. I speedily realized this was the major for me. It was wide plenty that I could potentially become into whatever manufacture inwards the future, simply all the same had a key focus. As a senior now, I can’t imagine picking roughly other dependent patch of engineering.

What else are you lot involved in?

Outside of my typical course of instruction work, I bring been involved inwards undergraduate enquiry amongst a professor as well as bring had ii internships amongst NASA Glenn as well as Orbital ATK. Purdue offers plenty of opportunities to heighten your instruction through real-world experience. I am currently involved amongst a year-long senior blueprint projection amongst a fellowship sponsor, faculty advisor, as well as iii other teammates.

Senior Design Project:

In the commencement of the semester, nosotros were pose into teams of 4 based on our involvement inwards fellowship sponsored real-life projects. Various companies come upward to the Materials subdivision at Purdue looking for assist amongst these projects. A few of the companies that come upward are Alcoa, John Deere, Medtronic, Rolls-Royce, U.S. of A. Steel, as well as IBC Coatings. Based on my rankings, I received my instant projection choice; most people acquire their foremost or instant pick. I was pose on the Alcoa squad where our task is to analyze iii dissimilar titanium suppliers as well as pick what supplier produces the best titanium billet for Alcoa’s terminal forged production based on client needs. To ameliorate sympathize the project, the squad did extensive enquiry on titanium, prepared initial projection plans, as well as took a trip to Alcoa inwards Cleveland, OH to run across amongst our straight fellowship sponsor.  
The squad trip to Alcoa was necessary to ameliorate sympathize the range of the project. Prior to the trip, my squad had many questions that needed to hold upward answered. The twenty-four hours began amongst a brief introduction of Alcoa followed yesteryear a security overview at the plant. We geared upward inwards our difficult hats, steel toe boots, pump as well as ear protection, as well as security vests earlier entering the plant. An engineer gave us a tour of the plant, pointing out as well as explaining dissimilar processes that create diverse products made of titanium. One of the focuses at Alcoa’s Cleveland constitute is forging metal; the constitute is dwelling to i of the largest presses. We were able to reckon the plant’s massive 50,000 ton press inwards functioning as well as also the slightly smaller 35,000 ton press. The parts made inwards this constitute are primarily used inwards the aerospace as well as automotive industry.  After the tour concluded, our squad thus met amongst the straight sponsors of the project. Over lunch, nosotros talked most the specifics of the task, what move nosotros volition hit to attain the task, as well as were provided a ameliorate agreement of the procedure on how the titanium billets are processed. We discussed the microstructure of the titanium, or what the titanium should by as well as large await similar nether a microscope, which determines the properties. And the properties volition Pb to our squad making a determination on which supplier is best suited for Alcoa’s terminal production that volition hold upward sent to customers. 
We volition hold upward using our materials engineering skills to analyze the differences inwards properties of the billets. Once testing results are received, the squad volition perform statistical analysis on the information as well as brand a determination for Alcoa. Throughout the ii semester projection at that spot are presentations as well as terminal papers to written report findings. In April, the materials subdivision holds a poster presentation nighttime to showcase our move from the entire year.

The senior blueprint projection encompasses everything nosotros bring learned from freshman twelvemonth upward until the present, including the mightiness to move inwards teams, as well as the capability to create results as well as a terminal determination for a existent basis problem. The projection successfully prepares us for our careers inwards the close future.


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