Ofe Celebrates V Years

This yesteryear Friday, OFE celebrated their 5th yr anniversary! The celebration took house inward the atrium of Armstrong in addition to was consummate amongst remarks from each of the 5 staff members, games, in addition to delicious snacks. OFE has grown tremendously inward the yesteryear 5 years in addition to thousands of students pick out benefited from this organization. Each staff fellow member has been able to convey his or her unique experience, talents, in addition to skills to brand OFE the eclectic, fun, in addition to successful grouping that it is.

We would similar to give thank you lot everyone who has supported us the yesteryear 5 years in addition to who has been a business office of our success. We would also similar to give thank you lot you to everyone who was able to attend the political party in addition to celebrate amongst us! OFE would non live on where it is today if it weren’t for all of the back upwards nosotros pick out received. We are excited to come across what the adjacent 5 years holds for OFE!
Sumber https://futureengineerspurdue.blogspot.com/

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