Industrial Roundtable 2018

Every fall, hundreds of companies come upward to Purdue to recruit students for internships, Co-Ops, too full-time positions inwards a career fair called Industrial Roundtable (IR). They laid upward on Memorial Mall to verbalize to students too select resumes, every bit a share of the nation’s largest pupil run career fairs!
During IR, nosotros talked to Brittany Ammerman, a junior inwards Computer Engineering alongside a little fry inwards Manufacturing; Ilana Roth, a junior inwards Mechanical Engineering; Madalyn Alm, a senior inwards Biological Engineering; Deb Hughes, a junior inwards Biological Engineering; too Rachel Baker, a senior inwards Multidisciplinary Engineering (Diversity & Inclusion Engineering) alongside minors inwards LGBT Studies too Political Science. Here is a glimpse into the experience of some students that went to IR:

What brings you lot to IR today?
I am at IR today looking for an internship for side past times side summer!
            -Brittany Ammerman
I hope to acquire interviews! Interviews for total fourth dimension positions for graduating inwards May.
            -Madalyn Alm
A chore would live on overnice for the summer. And to meliorate my people skills, to verbalize to novel people, too to run into what companies are looking for.
            -Ilana Roth

What did you lot exercise to laid upward for IR?
Deb Hughes
I attended a lot of resume workshops, mock interviews, too went to many information sessions for a lot of the companies to listen nearly what they do. There were some that I was similar “eh, perchance I don’t genuinely align alongside your companionship all that well.” Those were all helpful inwards preparing me for today.
            -Deb Hughes
I made a spreadsheet! Made certain that I fully browsed all of the dissimilar companies that were going to live on here, what majors they were looking for, what requirements they have, if I needed to apply online or not. Also, since my major is form of weird, I ignored some of those requirements too researched what the companionship genuinely does to run into if I could convince them to psyche to me too select my resume. And therefore I applied online to some companies, too directly I’m here! So, a lot of enquiry too spreadsheets!
            -Rachel Baker
I exercise lots of research, went through the companionship listing online, which ones apply to my major for the opportunities I wanted too narrowed it downwardly to the ones inwards the manufacture I want. I’m looking at a lot inwards the medical devices too consulting too therefore I went through my day, checked out what products they make, their values, how long they’ve been around, what they state they desire inwards leaders too inwards interns, too I went to some companionship information sessions too networking nights to verbalize to recruiters beforehand.
            -Ilana Roth

How withdraw keep your previous experiences at IR prepared you lot for this one?
Rachel Baker
I form of know the process, therefore I’m non every bit worried nearly it. When I walk past times a booth too they withdraw keep a crazy long line, I tin gage how of import it is or worthwhile it is to wait
            -Rachel Baker
From the past times IRs, I learned to laid upward beforehand. Attending the workshops is really helpful.
            -Deb Hughes
The biggest advice I’ve gotten from my past times IRs is genuinely only to apply online. Even if you lot don’t apply for the correct position, only getting inwards their organisation is a proficient stride too shows initiative.
            -Brittany Ammerman
The starting fourth dimension twelvemonth was super intimidating, therefore only realizing that recruiters are normal people, you lot don’t withdraw keep to withdraw keep your whole life figured out earlier you lot acquire here, too therefore knowing what form of questions they are going to ask. Learning all of this earlier has helped for a proficient senior twelvemonth experience, feeling comfortable knowing what the expectations are too learning how to navigate - in that place are a lot of people, therefore fifty-fifty only getting through from ane side to another.
            -Madalyn Alm

What form of jobs are you lot looking for inside your specific major?
Mechanical Engineers (ME) tin exercise most things every bit long every bit it’s inwards a ME type function, (manufacturing, enquiry too development, quality, operations) -but I’m looking to a greater extent than at the technical side.
            -Ilana Roth
As a Biological Engineer, I am looking for procedure jobs. There are dissimilar sides of production – there’s the mechanical side, where you lot brand certain the machines are working good too you lot tin programme the equipment, too therefore there’s the biological side, where you lot piece of work alongside nutrient that goes through the systems, how each share of the equipment interacts alongside the food, the overall character of the food, etc. I am looking for nutrient procedure jobs alongside an emphasis on production too non hardware.
            -Madalyn Alm
A lot of consulting companies too non-profit/government work. So, form of a broad variety!
            -Rachel Baker

What advice would you lot give someone coming to IR for the starting fourth dimension time?
Be yourself. It’s platitude but it’s of import to non compromise whatever of your interests or who you lot are, whether it’s how you lot clothing or acquaint yourself to companies. Also, peculiarly if you’re looking for an internship, don’t live on afraid to become upward to a tabular array that doesn’t withdraw keep anyone there. Practice your pitch, listen what they desire to do. I’ve gotten genuinely proficient offers only past times diverging from companies I idea I wanted to verbalize to too had genuinely good, wonderful conversations that didn’t brand me hold off ii hours. They also are willing to withdraw keep a to a greater extent than in-depth conversation alongside you lot because in that place aren’t 50 people inwards line, waiting to verbalize to them.
            -Rachel Baker
Don’t habiliment heavy jackets! It’s e'er genuinely hot. And demeanour a H2O bottle! That’s my advice.
            -Deb Hughes
My biggest slice of advice would in all likelihood live on only to relax too smile. When you lot become upward to a recruiter, don’t only overload alongside information. Ask nearly their day. They are having a tough 24-hour interval too. Sometimes that kind, casual conversation tin become a long way, too shows that you’re personable, too they don’t e'er acquire that. And therefore apply online! Apply online earlier you lot become verbalize to a companionship because one-half the fourth dimension they are only going to tell you lot to apply online.
            -Brittany Ammerman
Don’t acquire stressed out past times the people or therefore you, peculiarly every bit a freshman or sophomore alongside other people inwards line looking for total fourth dimension jobs. Their experience is to a greater extent than than yours, but they are looking for dissimilar jobs, therefore only play upward whatever experience you lot withdraw keep too exercise your best.
            -Ilana Roth


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