Student Hightlight: Magaly Mendoza

Magaly Mendoza is currently a senior studying Environmental as well as Ecological Engineering. In this post, Magaly highlights her experience at Purdue as well as existence a business office of the Purdue community. 

What produce you lot similar most the Purdue community that you lot mightiness non accept found yesteryear deal to a greater extent than or less other institution?
One thing I relish most Purdue is the feeling of community. No affair what programme you lot detect yourself inwards you lot are non alone. My best friends today kickoff began equally my classmates as well as written report partners. At Purdue, coursework establishes mutual solid soil betwixt students.
Beyond academics, a similar flat of unity translates to Purdue's many pupil organizations. The organizations on campus are as well as therefore good developed that yesteryear getting involved, I was able to speedily learn business office of a bigger network. It has been the foundation for friendships, back upward networks, as well as connections that accept provided me amongst diverse opportunities throughout my fourth dimension at Purdue.
In what ways is Purdue safe/do members of the Purdue community brand you lot experience similar you lot are safe?
On overstep of a wonderful engineering programme as well as back upward system, Purdue is an incredibly security community. I accept ever felt at home, particularly later I became familiar amongst the campus. As a freshman as well as sophomore, I was continually made aware of the diverse resources on campus.
What advice produce you lot accept for futurity students who are considering Purdue Engineering?
My fourth dimension at Purdue has been a peachy experience. If you lot are considering pursuing your teaching here, I would recommend speaking to Purdue alumni as well as graduating seniors. You volition listen most what a Purdue Engineering score has meant for them as well as empathize the worth of the teaching that this establishment has to offer.


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