Inside Hold Back - Biological Engineering

 Hi! My advert is Hannah O’Neill, together with I’m a senior inwards Biological Engineering (ABE) on the Cellular together with Biomolecular Engineering track. I chose which dependent area was the best jibe for me to pursue my  freshman twelvemonth because I knew I wanted to combine engineering principles alongside bio systems together with the human body. I too selected it because I loved the small, close-knit community the dependent area offered. Biological engineering encompasses a diversity of fields including nutrient together with pharmaceutical processing, tissue engineering, bioprocessing, bioenergy, together with more.

During my fourth dimension at Purdue I’ve taken courses inwards thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, computational modeling, etc. (core engineering topics) together with studied genetics, biochemistry, together with sociology (medical schoolhouse prerequisites). Biological engineering has allowed me the flexibility to gear upwardly for professional person schoolhouse together with written report engineering simultaneously.

On campus, I’m involved inwards Greek Life together with the St. Thomas Aquinas Center inwards improver to mentoring together with ambassador programs for engineering. Purdue is a fantastic community, together with reverse to pop belief, engineering is NOT completely life-consuming!

I’ve too participated inwards inquiry since my sophomore year. My inquiry focuses own got included structural biology/chemistry together with cellular biomedical engineering. I bask the application of engineering exterior of the classroom, together with I’ve had the conduct chances to acquaint my inquiry findings.

I dear the Biological Engineering subdivision at Purdue. It’s a close-knit community of students, faculty, together with staff, together with it has 100% been a swell jibe for me!

Boiler up!


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