Engineers Inwards Uniform - Marching Band

Me hitting the Big Bass Drum. It is tradition that each senior
hits the drum at the final abode game of the season

Football games at Purdue are ever exciting, some to a greater extent than than others, simply I stimulate got been to each as well as every 1 since my freshman year. I stimulate got been inward Purdue’s “All-American” Marching Band for iv autumn semesters every bit an alto saxophone player, where I stimulate got met amazing friends as well as had a dandy fourth dimension along the way. In addition, the performances stimulate got been really exciting - beingness inward Ross-Ade stadium is thrilling plenty simply performing on the plain is unreal.

Levi's Stadium earlier the Foster Farms bowl.
Going to the Bowl Game was a fantastic
experience as well as San Francisco was too amazing.
As a fellow member of the band, I stimulate got non solely performed at every abode football game game since I was a freshman (from 2014 – 2017 - 27 inward total), simply too iv away games as well as the Foster Farms Bowl. In addition, I stimulate got travelled to Republic of Colombia as well as Republic of Ireland amongst the band to perform inward parades as well as other concerts piece learning most the cultures as well as histories of both countries. I wouldn’t merchandise these experiences for anything.  

However, I must too shout out the tremendous total of piece of work associated amongst this activity. The calendar week earlier a game, nosotros occupation two hours a solar daytime preparing the demo as well as improving marching technique. In addition, a typical gameday lasts around ix hours betwixt rehearsals, concerts, as well as the game itself. This fourth dimension commitment was a lot to direct keep at first, simply definitely non impossible.

In add-on to band, I am involved inward several other pupil organizations at Purdue,  including a service fraternity (Kappa Kappa Psi), Chemical Engineering abide by club (Omega Chi Epsilon), College of Engineering Ambassadors, as well as Chemical Engineering Ambassadors. Balancing these activities has sure enough been a challenge, simply I stimulate got fostered dandy fourth dimension administration skills every bit a result. I stimulate got never pulled an all-nighter to complete homework or projects, I stimulate got ever been able to attend role hours as well as stimulate got a fulfilling social life.

Saxophone seniors at the Indy 500 this year. These people have
been my best friends for the by iv years!
As a disclaimer, I should nation the piece of work of this postal service is non to persuade you lot to bring together band. The piece of work is to demo how slowly it is to go involved on campus as well as to cope your studies all at once. In addition, the science of fourth dimension administration is crucial for success every bit a college student. My extracurricular activities (notably marching band) stimulate got helped me tremendously inward attaining this skill. Ironically, I oft arrive at ameliorate grades inward the autumn semesters when marching band takes identify despite having a larger fourth dimension commitment.

Time administration too includes making fourth dimension for yourself. Although I rest busy, I ever allow myself ample fourth dimension to relax. With the heavy workload inward engineering, it’s slowly to experience similar all you lot produce is work. While piece of work tin live fulfilling, I believe it’s really of import to accept a intermission as well as detect something you lot love!

Boiler up!
Garrett Bruns


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