Engineers Inwards Uniform

In high school, at that spot was e'er 1 thing that I simply could NOT acquire right: using my planner. Each year, I e'er came prepared thinking "this yr volition live different. This volition live my yr to lastly acquire the assignment planner under control." I was wrong. Every year. Truthfully, my assignment planner was e'er inward the dorsum of my head, because I knew deep downwardly that I needed to role it. I knew that when I entered the Big Leagues (a.k.a. Purdue,) I would demand to modify my routine.  But every year, somehow, it ended upward mangled in addition to dusty inward the netherworld of the bottom of my locker.

With high schoolhouse forthwith a distant memory, I am trying to uncovering residue betwixt academics, my sorority, in addition to my undertaking (along alongside all of the things inward between).  And, I am happy to study that four weeks into Purdue, I am however going potent alongside my assignment planner. And, believe it or not, it actually does drib dead along everything straight. 

Gone are the high schoolhouse days where nosotros moved easily from flat to flat until 3:20 pm. At the destination of the day, it was like a mad dash to the side yesteryear side outcome in addition to thus nosotros could tally inward everything nosotros needed to. It was definitely a big departure coming from a rattling structured high schoolhouse schedule, to a to a greater extent than complimentary college schedule. But, I similar it a lot to a greater extent than this way.

A span days out of the week, I move inward the Office of Future Engineers. I actually savor everyone I move alongside in addition to the overall move environment. Plus, I dearest beingness able to inquire the pupil staff for advice on anything, because since they are all inward engineering, they convey all been a initiatory off yr technology scientific discipline pupil similar me.

At the get-go of the semester, I rushed to bring together 1 of the many sororities on campus. We visited houses for two weekends to uncovering our novel "home away from home." I am actually excited to live a novel fellow member of Kappa Alpha Theta. From recruitment upward until now, nosotros convey had a lot of events in addition to thus nosotros tin larn to a greater extent than well-nigh our slap-up sorority sisters, in addition to well-nigh our sorority. No affair the event, I e'er convey a slap-up time!

Even though I am however learning how to tally everything on my plate (figuratively AND literally because I dearest going to the dining courts), I tin say that everything is slow starting to autumn into place. But, I couldn't destination this weblog entry without giving around concluding credit to my sidekick, my Purdue Mortarboard (a Purdue specific planner sold at the bookstores). 

- Teresa Anderson


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