Campus Connection: Edwin Jacobson

Every few weeks nosotros volition last featuring a electrical flow applied scientific discipline educatee inwards our serial titled “Campus Connection.” We volition inquire diverse students the same railroad train of campus related questions to highlight the students’ favorite parts of beingness a Boilermaker. Here is our commencement postal service inwards the series!


Name: Edwin Jacobson

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Current Favorite Class: AAE 251: Intro to Aerospace Design

Favorite Campus Involvement: Purdue Triathlon Club. It keeps me involved alongside people who convey like interests. Our workouts render fun workouts that deed equally a stress reliever during the academic year.

Best Purdue Memory: A friend of mine needed to log flying hours, then he flew us together with about other friend to Chicago for lunch!

On-Campus Hang Out Place of Choice: Krach Leadership center, domicile of Boiler Gold Rush!

Favorite Study Spot: HSSE Library, mostly actually placidity together with opened upwardly tables.

Why I chose Purdue: Academic reputation, both nationally together with internationally


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