Campus Connection: Marissa Marks

Name: Marissa Marks

Major: Industrial Engineering, amongst a kid inwards Communications

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

Favorite Class: EAPS 106 – Geosciences inwards the Cinema amongst Professor Andy Freed (you sentry movies for homework!!!)

Campus Involvement: I’m inwards a social sorority hither on campus, Sigma Delta Tau. Before I got to Purdue, I was completely clueless on the whole recruitment procedure as well as sororities inwards general. By my sophomore year, I actually wanted a grouping of friends exterior of engineering. I beloved my applied scientific discipline friends, but needed to branch out a little. I joined Sigma Delta Tau through informal recruitment as well as take away keep met but about of my best friends. Right afterwards joining, I started my minute semester inwards the trace of piece of occupation solid every bit our Internal Public Relations chair which lasted for the amount calendar year. Then I took on a larger leadership business office as well as became the treasurer for the next calendar year. Now, it is my offset semester inwards but about fourth dimension that I create non take away keep a leadership position. I am genuinely grateful for all the experiences Sigma Delta Tau has given to me.

Best Purdue Memory: Freshman year, a bunch of friends as well as I wrote lyrics to as well as created a video for a Purdue-esque parody of "Blank Space" yesteryear Taylor Swift. After several hours of embarrassing pictures as well as clips of the song, nosotros had a grouping dinner that nosotros made inwards the Earhart Hall kitchenette.

Favorite On-Campus Hang Out Spot: Probably the Union basement, amongst visible access to Starbucks as well as then I know when the trace is curt plenty to natural springtime in.

Favorite Study Spot: Grissom Hall or the 4th flooring of Wang Hall

Why you lot chose Purdue: To live completely honest, I had never heard nearly Purdue until the cease of my junior twelvemonth inwards high school. At that betoken I was yet inwards beloved amongst the sentiment of going to Carnegie Melon as well as tried to force aside the sentiment of Purdue because it was a 7-hour drive from home. My mom flora Purdue when looking upward applied scientific discipline universities – she was doing to a greater extent than college enquiry than I was. After but about fourth dimension my mom finally convinced me to at to the lowest degree laissez passer on a campus catch a shot. When I stepped human foot on Purdue's campus, I was mesmerized. I blame it on the quirky rules as well as cherry brick. 

When I flora out nearly how adept Purdue applied scientific discipline actually was, I could non imagine going to whatsoever other university. I applied yesteryear the early on activity deadline, as well as on Friday, Dec 13, 2013, I flora out I was admitted! By that point, I was as well as then inwards beloved amongst Purdue as well as their applied scientific discipline computer program that I accepted my offering immediately.


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